I'm pleased and proud to announce that my new book "Visual Basic 2012 Unleashed" is available, both paperback and digital edition!
This time I had the honor of featuring Lucian Wischik, the VB Specification Lead at Microsoft, as the author of a great foreword.
As usual, it has really been a hard work, but fortunately working with a great team (including Matthew Kleinwaks as the tech editor) makes things easier. The book has been fully updated to target the .NET Framework 4.5 and the new features in the Visual Basic programming Language, such as the Async/Await pattern, new tools in the IDE, Windows Phone development, new keywords and implementations such as the Global namespaces, iterators and the Yield keyword. Also, the book is not limited to the Language, but it also shows how to use Visual Basic with the most recent Technologies and platforms from Microsoft, including Windows Azure, Silverlight 5, WPF 4.5.
A good part of the book guides you through special tools that will help you write high-quality code.
As in the past, I always try to add tips & tricks coming from my real-world experience with Visual Basic and the .NET Framework. You can download the table of contents and a sample chapter from the book site, including the source code which is available as a free download.
I hope you will have a look and that you will find it useful. Enjoy!